Golf Section
The Golf Section has some 50 active members, most of whom belong to local golf clubs, but we do cater for non affiliated golfers.
Our annual program includes 12 rounds of golf from Omaha and Ngaruawahia. All games are on a Sunday with 9 out of the 12 trips are by bus. The cost per person is $30 which includes the bus travel and the green fees.

Annual subs
Annual subs are $35.
Discounted to $30 if paid by the 31st of March each year.
New members $30.
To join our golf section you need to be a member of the Howick RSA.
Highlights of our year include our annual three day November trip where we charter a bus and play a three day tournament over three different courses in either, Northland, Waikato or Bay of Plenty.

Further information
The annual prize giving is held in either April or May where cups and trophies are presented to major prize winners and awards are presented for other achievements during the year.
In February each the golf section hosts the Howick RSA Welfare Tournament, where they have up to 120 players participating. The nett proceeds of this tournament go to assist the Welfare Committee with helping the elderly of Howick.
The golfing year finishes with an Ambrose teams tournament where all team members win a prize, ranging from Hams and Turkeys to Christmas cakes and chocolates etc.
On Thursday evenings between 4pm and 6pm we have our weekly meat raffle. The proceeds are to help subsidise the cost of the Sunday golf trips. This has become a very social event with some members staying on to enjoy a meal at the club.
Bob Buchanan | Chairman | 576-4419
Joy McLeod | Secretary | 021 037 0380 |
For more information please check the Golf Section notice board in the clubrooms.

The Howick RSA warmly welcomes membership enquiries from individuals and families (whether you have served or not) from within our local community.
The Howick RSA offers welfare and pension advice as well as friendship and support in times of need. If you could do with some extra support, please get in touch.